For current and potential shareholders

Financial Highlights

What were your most recent business results?

Sales and operating profit for fiscal year 2023 exceeded plan and reached new records.
Plans for fiscal year 2024 have also been revised upward due to the acquisition of M.D.C. Holdings, Inc.
Plans for record-high sales and operating profit.
Sales Development

Balanced earnings structure

By expanding business and continuing to strengthen our earnings capability for each of our four business models, we have successfully shifted from a business structure weighted towards the Built-to-Order Business to a more balanced earnings structure.


Shift to more balanced earnings structure

We introduced management methods for each individual business to further enhance the link between the business strategy and organization. We revised the composition of segments from fiscal 2023. Futhermore, comparison of FY2010 based on the previous segment. For details, please refer to the Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan of Sekisui House Group.

<Medium-Term Management Plan>

The Sixth Plan
Stable growth in Japan and proactive growth overseas

Based on a fundamental policy of “stable growth in Japan and proactive growth overseas”, Specifically, the Group will strive to deepen and expand its existing businesses by taking full advantage of its core competencies, namely, technical capabilities, construction capabilities and the customer base. We will also leverage our unique value chain, supported by Sekisui House Group companies that together handle the entirety of housing construction processes ranging from product and technological development, sales, design and construction to after-sales services. At the same time, we will pursue business development overseas by transferring Sekisui House technologies cultivated in Japan. Furthermore, we will keep ourselves abreast of changes in society and the business environment while leveraging digital technologies. In these ways, we will develop and expand new businesses.

The Fifth Plan
Further strengthening core businesses and embarking on new businesses

The Fourth Plan
Build the foundation for the residential‐related business toward BEYOND 2020

The Third Plan
Strengthen synergies in the Group and taking on new challenges in the residential-related business

The Second Plan
Acceleration of profit growth through business expansion

The First Plan
Establish lean earnings base