LGBTQ Initiatives Paving the Way to Company and Individual Contributions to Social Change

work with Pride Gold2023

Recipient of the PRIDE Index Gold rating—the highest rating—for six consecutive years

Since 2014, the Sekisui House Group has been committed to raising awareness among all employees about the LGBTQ community through our Human Relations Training. In 2019, we started to accept same-sex partners as spouses of our employees in our personnel and welfare systems. We also set up a consultation desk exclusively for LGBTQ-related matters. These initiatives have been highly praised externally as well, and Sekisui House became the first major housing manufacturer to receive the PRIDE Index Gold rating for six consecutive years. In 2023, we started including Promoting employee understanding of the LGBTQ community as a part of the diversity and inclusion strategy in our Sixth Mid-Term Management Plan. Sekisui House will continue to devise strategies to create society where people in LGBTQ community can live with peace of mind.

work with Pride Rainbow2023

Recipient of Rainbow Certification rating for two consecutive years

On November 7, 2023, we received a Rainbow Certification rating for the second consecutive year in the PRIDE Index 2023, which evaluates LGBTQ initiatives.
The Rainbow Certification was introduced in 2021 in addition to the existing PRIDE Index as a rating to encourage companies to adopt medium- and long-term commitments to creating a workplace and society that allow LGBTQ individuals to work in comfort.
Three requirements must be met to obtain a Rainbow Certification rating: receiving a Gold rating—the highest rating in the PRIDE Index; endorsing pro-LGBTQ+ legislation in Japan as a company or organization; and establishing a corporate vision based on a common understanding of specific social issues to promote acceptance and protection of LGBTQ+ rights not only within the company itself but also among other influential entities (companies, governments, NPOs, etc.).

The “LGBTQ & Housing” Online Lunchcation*

Lisa Kuzunishi, Associate Professor at Otemon Gakuin University

We contacted 34 companies, including our group companies, and on October 15, 2021, held the “LGBTQ & Housing” themed Online Lunchcation. We invited Associate Professor Lisa Kuzunishi from Otemon Gakuin University—a specialist in housing policy and residential welfare—to deliver a lecture on the theme of “Sexual Minorities and Housing Problems.” By learning about the actual problems and concerns facing LGBTQ individuals in searching for and purchasing housing, each participant was able to grasp it as though it were happening to them, and gained a valuable opportunity to think about what they can do. Aiming to be an LGBTQ-friendly corporate group, we are working to deepen understanding within our group, and for our customers as well we are seeking to create products, services, and additional value.

A portmanteau of “lunch” and “communication,” i.e., disseminating information and communicating during lunch breaks, held on ESG-related themes and targeting all employees of the Sekisui House Group.

Inclusivity Efforts at Sekisui House Real Estate Group

Sekisui House Real Estate Group is LGBTQ-friendly when it comes to looking for rental housing. Starting on August 1, 2022, we have implemented the following measures to help people in the LGBTQ community find housing and move in without stress.
1. We implement ongoing training for Sekisui House Real Estate Group employees and affiliated real estate companies to deepen the understanding of the LGBTQ community and improve customer satisfaction.
2. We have changed our forms to be more diverse by removing gender fields and providing a partner selection option on tenant application forms, electronic application forms, and lease agreements.

Efforts at Sekisui House Real Estate Group to Be More LGBTQ-Inclusive

Participating in Various Events across Japan to Promote Awareness

Many events are hold in various areas around the country to deepen the understanding of the LGBTQ community and gender diversity. In FY2023, Sekisui House Group sponsored and participated in parades in five areas throughout Japan where same-sex marriage lawsuits have been filed, with employees wearing original Sekisui House LGBTQ ally T-shirts as a show of support. Sekisui House employees were proud to make visible their ally intentions, in which we realize a society where everyone can actively participate. By participating in such activities, we continue to support the creation of opportunities to change society.

An ally is someone who has an understanding of the LGBTQ community and behaves in a way taking into consideration what they can do themselves.

Introducing “S-Ally Circle,” an Ally Network

In March 2023, we introduced the Sekisui House Ally Circle (“S-Ally Circle”), offering a new place for allies to exchange information and socialize. This group is a community made up of people who have participated in LGBTQ seminars and parades in the past and have agreed to participate in group activities. The group uses an internal social networking site to exchange information about LGBTQ books, news, and events. During June’s Pride Month, a time to reflect on and celebrate gender diversity, the group released an ally message video to make their presence visible within the company.


Ally Stickers to Show Support

Sekisui House Group has created an original LGBTQ Ally sticker, which employees can use to show their support to LGBTQ colleagues. These stickers are distributed to those who request them.

President & CEO Yoshihiro Nakai’s “Ally Declaration”

I hereby declare that I am an LGBTQ ally. In order to make the Sekisui House Group “the happiest company in the world,” we are committed to creating a corporate group where each and every employee can make the most of their diversity. Through effective communication, we create an innovative culture where everyone can be themselves and maximize their abilities, leading to further growth of both individuals and organizations. This is what “Diversity & Inclusion” at Sekisui House is all about.

Business for Marriage Equality

Endorsement of the Marriage Equality Campaign

In November 2020, Sekisui House endorsed the Business for Marriage Equality campaign to bring equality to marriage and legalize same-sex marriage.

This initiative to create a society where anyone can have a family and experience happiness is shared by our company, which has a global vision of making home the happiest place in the world.

Equality Act Japan

Business Support for LGBT Equality in Japan

In August 2022, Sekisui House endorsed the Business Support for LGBT Equality in Japan campaign to support the introduction of Equality Act in Japan.

As we state in our Human Rights Policy, we prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and declare that we aim to create an inclusive workplace and society where everyone is treated equally.

Request for the 2023 G7 Hiroshima Summit

We expressed support for submitting a request to the 2023 G7 Hiroshima Summit to elevate LGBTQ initiatives in the international community as a key agenda item and to make further commitments to promoting detailed initiatives addressing this issue. Japan is the only G7 member country that does not legally recognize same-sex marriage, has no LGBTQ anti-discrimination law, and has strict requirements for legal gender change. We support this initiative with the recognition that discussing this current situation is a way to protect the human rights of all people.

Supporting Discussions on Relaxing the Requirements of the GID Special Cases Act

In August 2023, Sekisui House endorsed the call to hold discussions on relaxing the requirements of the Gender Identity Disorder (GID) Special Cases Act, a law allowing transgender people to change their legal gender to the desired gender. Protecting the physical and mental health of transgender people and respecting the human rights of all people regardless of gender is also consistent with our Human Rights Policy.