Diversity meet-and-greet events 2022
Yukie Usuba, Mirairo Inc.
In 2022, a web-based meet-and-greet event for visually impaired employees (2nd meeting) was held in May. In the fall, Yukie Usuba (Mirairo Inc.), who is also a hearing impaired person, gave a lecture titled “How to Cope with Diversity—Don’t Try to Score a Perfect 100 from the Start,” which many Group employees participated via on-demand video streaming. In December, for the first time, a meet-and-greet event open to any employee in the Group who wished to participate, regardless of disability was held online and 174 people participated. In the first session, only people with disabilities participated and engaged in interactions by type of disability. In the second session, regardless of disability, discussions were held in rooms on the themes of “Let’s talk with recruiters,” “People who are learning or want to learn sign language,” “Let’s use Universal Talk (UD Talk),” and “Lecture by an external speaker: Characteristics of people with mental and developmental disabilities, and settlement and consideration in the workplace,” in addition to themes for each type of disability. The third session was used to share the contents of these dialogues.
In March 2022, “Realization of Universal Talk” won the second-place prize in the performance category in the SHIP Collective Communication and Innovation Awards Program.
Employees with hearing impairments were having difficulty obtaining information, as a result of the sudden spread of people wearing masks and holding web conferences due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this project, we used the ZOOM web conferencing system along with the voice recognition application, UD Talk, so that participants with hearing impairments could acquire accurate information, and also created a manual for means of sending communications, and distributed it within the Company. This manual compiled results obtained through a process of trial and error by concerned employees and workplace colleagues at multiple bases.
Active Participation of Diverse Personnel [Main Page]
International Business Headquarters (America, Australia)
Specific Initiatives: Workplaces Where Anyone Can Demonstrate Their Abilities
Diversity meet-and-greet events 2022
Diversity meet-and-greet events 2021
Specific Initiatives: Becoming an Industry Leader in LGBTQ Initiatives