Initiatives for Promoting the Active Participation of Women

Sekisui House has established and is implementing concrete policies and initiatives to enable the active participation of women in all fields. We believe this is an essential element in the creation of homes, which requires a range of sensitivities. Specifically, we have been focusing on actively employing women in sales and technical positions, providing support for career development, and facilitating networking opportunities. We are also steadily increasing the number of women in managerial positions.

Nationwide Women’s Sales Representative Conference

October 2022 — Hybrid in-person and virtual event with live broadcasts from five locations across Japan

Since 2007, Sekisui House has been holding an annual nationwide meet-and-greet event for female sales staff to receive achievement awards and attend presentations from top management, listen to success stories of top performers, meet and interact with role models, and take part in group discussions. This event was held in person for the first time in three years in 2022 (with live broadcasts from five different locations across Japan).
Participants have noted that the event has not only helped improve their individual skills but also increased motivation, with one participating employee noting, “I learned a lot, and interacting face-to-face with senior employees for the first time since joining the company has really motivated me.”

Initiative Details

Four female executives talk about their own career experiences, as well as the current status, challenges, and prospects for diversity and inclusion promotion.

The Sekisui House Women’s College, a training program of approximately two years, is intended to inculcate the business skills that befit a manager.

We are implementing concrete policies and initiatives to enable women to demonstrate their abilities broadly and optimistically in all fields.

A great many women are active in a wide range of professions, from sales and design to on-site supervisor. Here we highlight how they are achieving personal growth while expanding their job horizons.