Our People Actively Taking Part
Promoting the creation of role models in workstyles and career development in each profession, from sales and design to on-site supervisor. Highlighting how many women are achieving personal growth, while expanding their range of activities.
Sales Manager
Case 1
Risa Ikuta
Joined in 2012
Since joining Sekisui House, Risa Ikuta has handled sales for more than 100 properties. After becoming Sales Manager in February 2022, she has focused on training exhibition hall members and overseeing sales office management. She is also a member of the Female Sales Staff Promotion Committee and is eager to help female sales staff establish themselves and become self-reliant within the company.
Departments and positions are as of September 2023
I Want to Use My Position and Experience to Give Female Sales Staff an Upper Hand
Finding motivation in the smiles and joy of our customers
Our job is to make customers’ greatest dreams come true. After 10 years of working in sales of custom detached houses, there have been many things that made me realize that point. We take into consideration all of the customer’s hopes and concerns for the construction of their home, and we propose concrete measures that help make their dreams a reality. Of course, I’m happy when a customer says they chose to go with Sekisui House because of my input, but when I hear customers say how happy they are that they chose Sekisui House or how comfortable their house is even years after construction, or even just seeing a happy family living in one of our homes, it always fills my heart with joy.
As Sales Manager and a member of the Female Sales Staff Promotion Committee, I’ve realized how difficult and satisfying it is to consider not just my own growth but what I can do to help others grow and achieve their goals, and how that helps move us all forward. I also think my experiences as a member of the female sales staff have helped me to better understand the needs of customers raising children and to create plans that meet their specific requirements. As careers and lifestyles change, so must our sales style. I’m also dedicated to using my current expertise and being honest with customers to adapt to those changes accordingly. I also look forward to growing with the times and seeing what my own future holds.
Construction Technology Development
Case 2
On-site Supervisor, Saitama-higashi Branch
Marie Sairai
Joined in 2008
Marie Sairai, having built up experience in design, has been an on-site supervisor since August 2015. She works as both the Chief Constructor who brings the team together and as a member of J-Komachi, an organization of external female on-site technicians and engineers, most of whom work on building homes.
Departments and positions are as of October 2021
I Want to Show the Appeal of a Job as an On-site Supervisor So That More People Will Want to Do It
Performing a strict safety check on the work processes and work site
By acquiring work experience in both design and on-site supervision, I feel that I have not only acquired the knowledge and skills of a technical position but also polished up my overall personal skills. Right now, as an on-site supervisor for housing, I cooperate with various craftspeople and parties involved in construction, with a particular focus on construction management and customer service. A word or a call from me can change the movements of the workers, and as a result of that we can ultimately bring a smile to the customer’s face: that feeling is what really gives the job of an on-site supervisor meaning.
Moreover, by taking part in the “SHINE! Challenge Program”* that cultivates young leaders, I also learned to think about things like Sekisui House’s vision and my personal theory of leadership. I found the lectures given by experts from both within and outside the company to be very stimulating, and I was able to learn many important things. I also got into the habit of clarifying my own intentions, putting them into words, and seeing them to completion in a form that can actually be observed. I hope that I can enjoy myself out in the field as I embody the appeal of this job myself, so that I can encourage other people, too, to say to themselves “I want to become an on-site supervisor.”
“SHINE! Challenge Program” is the abbreviated name for the “Sekisui House Innovators and Entrepreneurs Challenge Program.” It is one of our in-house training programs and aims, by identifying and cultivating young (aged 35 and younger) mid-level employees, to produce the business leaders of the future.
Design Chief Manager
Case 3
Design Chief Manager, Yokohama-kita Sha Maison Branch
Chie Okazawa
Joined in 1988
Since joining Sekisui House, Chie Okazawa has worked as a designer of custom detached houses. In April 2018 she was transferred to her present branch, and is now involved in design for dual-use commercial/residential buildings and non-housing jobs such as medical facilities. Since February 2021, she has been managing the Planning & Design Section as the Design Chief Manager.
Departments and positions are as of October 2021
I Hope to Do My Best So That Each Individual Member and the Planning & Design Section as a Whole Can Grow and Mature
At meetings, all members feel free to actively speak their mind
For more than three decades, I’ve been in charge of a wide range of designs, from shops to hospitals, large-scale and specialized properties such as elderly care facilities, and, most of all, custom detached houses. I have felt enjoyment in being able to create atmospheres and structures while meeting the requests of our customers, and I have felt a true sense of worth in my job when I saw the smiling faces of customers who were happy with my work when it has been completed. Furthermore, by taking part in training sessions and meet-and-greet events for female technicians and engineers, I have not only been able to grow myself but also been reminded of the need for connections with other of the same generation in order for female engineers and technicians to grow within our company going forward.
There are currently 27 members of the Planning & Design Section for which I am responsible as the Design Chief Manager. They are of a wide range of ages, from young people to veterans, and they have a range of strengths and experiences including non-housing, development, interior work, and so on. It is a lively workplace with good communication, and even if someone has a problem or is working on a difficult job, they can always talk to someone who will help them to find a solution. As Design Chief Manager, I’m still in the “trial and error” phase, but I hope to perform the kind of management that respects each person’s individuality, special skills, goals, and so on, while allowing each individual, as well as the Planning & Design Section as a whole, to grow and mature .
Group Company / General Affairs and Personnel Department Senior Manager
Case 4
Senior Manager, General Affairs and Personnel Department, Sekiwa Construction Chubu (Current Sekisui House Construction Chubu)
Kumie Tsuchimoto
Joined in 1990
Since joining Sekiwa Construction Gifu, Kumie Tsuchimoto has been acquiring broad-based experience mainly in general affairs, management and accounting. In 2010 she became a Section Manager, working as the Chief Manager of General Affairs. In 2011 following the merger of Sekiwa Construction Gifu with Sekiwa Construction Chubu, Ms. Tsuchimoto was appointed as the Chief Manager of General Affairs at the Nagoya Branch. Since 2020, she has been working as Senior Manager of the Head Office General Affairs and Personnel Department.
Departments and positions are as of October 2021
I’m Dedicated to Supporting Each Employee in Finding Their Own Happiness
Taking on challenges in consultation with the other members
In the 30 years since joining Sekisui House, I’ve mainly been working in general affairs and accounting; so I was a bit hesitant when the company’s president suggested that I work in the Personnel Department as Senior Manager. I really felt the huge responsibility of taking on work involving personnel, which is an immensely important resource in Sekisui House and an area I had no experience in. Despite my hesitations, I decided to accept the position with a positive attitude of finding happiness in being able to take on new challenges. Working in personnel gives me the opportunity to meet and talk about a variety of topics with a wide range of employees in various positions. Every day as I respond to the many questions and consultations the personnel department receives, I’m reminded of how each person has their own set of circumstances and also their own way of finding happiness. I still don’t have much experience working in personnel, and so I want to keep working with other staff in the Personnel Department to address a range of issues. Specifically, some of the initiatives I would like to move forward with include personnel training, making the evaluation process clearer, and creating a system for each employee to create the career they desire. I also want to get people more interested in achieving the SDGs, while taking a step-by-step approach to carrying out sustainable initiatives.
Sekiwa Construction carries out new construction projects, remodeling construction, and general remodeling for Sekisui House.
Active Participation of Diverse Personnel [Main Page]
International Business Headquarters (America, Australia)
Specific Initiatives: Workplaces Where Anyone Can Demonstrate Their Abilities
Diversity meet-and-greet events 2022
Diversity meet-and-greet events 2021
Specific Initiatives: Becoming an Industry Leader in LGBTQ Initiatives
Sales Manager, Nagoya Nishi Branch