Meeting Inspiring Classmates! Challenges That Bring Growth!
Symposium with Alumni of the Sekisui House Women’s College

The Sekisui House Group is aiming to appoint more than 310 women in managerial positions by fiscal year 2025. We are moving forward with various initiatives such as implementing training for managerial position candidates and cultivating role models for career development. This includes the Sekisui House Women’s College (hereinafter “Women’s College”) that we launched in 2014. Over the course of the College’s two-year curriculum, competent and suitable female employees are trained in a systematic and effective manner to acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to attain appropriate management positions.

This symposium was held with 10 of the 18 sixth-year students who graduated from Women’s College in February 2021. They talk candidly about the challenges and realities of studying at the college, from the fresh perspective of being a recent graduate. They also discuss how they are applying the knowledge and experience acquired in the training in their current work, valuing the connections with classmates, and other relevant topics.

The participants, from left to right:

Emi Hattori (Hiroshima Sha Maison Branch), Yukari Orihara (Oyama Branch), Masumi Iwasa (North Osaka Sha Maison Branch), Miho Miyatake (Osaka Chuo Branch), Nikki Hamasaki (Nagoya Condominium Department), Nao Adachi (Design & Planning Department), Yuki Isaka (CX Design Office), Hitomi Yamaguchi (Design & Estimation Department, Kanto Factory), Kaori Tamatani (External Affairs Department), Aya Murata (Kumamoto Branch)

* Current departments as of July 2022

[ Profile of Participants 

Design & Planning Department 

Nao Adachi

Since joining Sekisui House, Nao Adachi has been widely involved in the planning and development of custom detached houses. She was transferred to her current department in August 2021. She is currently in charge of design strategies and planning for custom detached houses.

External Affairs Department 

Kaori Tamatani

Kaori Tamatani joined Sekisui House as a mid-career recruit, and started working in the Public Relations Department and External Affairs Department. After working temporarily on assignment at the specified non-profit corporation Kids Design Association, from July 2022 she has been in charge of external affairs of various relevant government ministries and agencies and housing-related organizations.

Nagoya Condominium Department

Nikki Hamasaki

Nikki Hamasaki started working in Sales Administration when she joined Sekisui House, and at the Condominium Department in Nagoya and Tokyo. Since April 2018, she has been involved in the planning and sales of condominiums at her current assigned department.

Kumamoto Branch

Aya Murata

Aya Murata started at Sekisui House in a general position, and in April 2005 she switched to a career-track position for working in design. In August 2019 she became an administration manager in charge of profit management, campaign planning, estimations, orders, and other tasks.

Hiroshima Sha Maison Branch

Emi Hattori

After accumulating practical experience in the Planning & Design Section and Administrative Department, Emi Hattori was transferred to the Construction Section in June 2012. She is currently in charge of directing work, making administrative adjustments and other tasks at the construction sites of new houses, as an on-site supervisor of the Sha Maison rental housing service. She became a certified Chief Constructor (*1) in 2020.

Design & Estimation Department, Kanto Factory

Hitomi Yamaguchi

Since joining Sekisui House, Hitomi Yamaguchi has been accumulating experience in the Transaction Department and Design & Estimation Department. In 2015, she switched to a career-track position under the Career Challenge System. She is currently involved in managing the blueprints and delivery of factory shipment materials for condominiums, proposing new materials and parts for housing, handling custom-order shipment materials, and other tasks.

Oyama Branch
Yukari Orihara

Yukari Orihara started at Sekisui House in a general position assisting at exhibition halls and working as a CAD operator and interior coordinator. In February 2018, she switched to a career-track position under the Career Challenge System (*2). She is currently working as a designer in charge of the design of rental housing and custom detached houses.

Osaka Kita Sha Maison Branch
Masumi Iwasa

Masumi Iwasa has an impressive track record as a sales representative at the Sha Maison rental housing service. Since February 2019, she has also been busy in her role as a Sales Manager. Her work includes devoting time to managing three subordinates in her sales office.

CX Design Office

Yuki Isaka

Yuki Isaka started working in Sales Administration when she joined Sekisui House. She was then transferred to the International Business Department. After seven-and-a-half years working overseas and in the Public Relations Department, she is currently involved in the planning and execution of projects aimed at expanding awareness of Sekisui House’s sustainability-related initiatives.

Osaka Chuo Branch
Miho Miyatake

Miho Miyatake has been involved in planning and design at several housing manufacturers, including Sekisui House. She was rehired by Sekisui House in 2014, and since then she has been in charge of designing custom detached houses. She became a certified Chief Architect (*3) in 2022.

Can I Accomplish This?
Starting Amid Concerns and Confusion

Adachi My impression of the Women’s College before I started studying there was that it seemed fairly tough and a lot of work; the impression alone preceded my actual experience there.

Tamatani I also felt it would be tough to balance my work with studying at the Women’s College. At the same time, when I saw how much the students seemed to be enjoying themselves and how motivated they were, I also became interested in studying there.

Hamasaki I saw the Women’s College a “collection of capable people”; and so even when I was accepted as a student, the only thing I felt was concerned.

Murata I felt the same. Although I had the impression the women studying there were vibrant and motivated, I couldn’t relate to that at all.

Hattori Even when classes started, I was still completely confused by everything. (laughs)All other students around me were exceptional, and I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to keep up.

Yamaguchi As there were no opportunities for me to talk in front of people in my usual work, I wasn’t able to create easily understandable materials and speak as well as my classmates. I often felt quite disheartened about that.

Orihara My classmates seemed so dazzlingly brilliant... Thinking about what lay ahead just filled me with concerns.

Iwasa In my case, I had just become a Sales Manager when I entered the Women’s College. So I was flat out trying to balance my daily work with the Women’s College.

Isaka There was so much information to take in at the start, and at times I felt like I couldn’t properly process everything. I was also acutely aware of just how necessary it is to have the cooperation of superiors while trying to balance work with studies.

Miyatake Absolutely, it is essential to have the understanding of your superiors. Because it is quite difficult to achieve that balance solely by your own efforts. So in that aspect, the support I received from my superiors and colleagues was also so helpful.

A Practical Curriculum with Careful Guidance
An Influx of New Knowledge and Experiences

Hattori What I found especially impressive was learning how to be a leader. I never had junior staff at my workplace, so I had no experience training others, but I came to realize that the time had come for me to take on that role. Through the training though, I could get an image of what an ideal leader is.

Adachi I was surprised by the quick pace of each lecture. I felt like I was frantically trying to keep up, but it was good training in how to quickly organize and assimilate ideas and thoughts, and then create something from them.

Isaka In my usual work, I often create and then use presentation materials, but I’ve mostly been doing it in my own way. So I found it really useful and informative to learn in detail how to structure presentation materials and organize the main points.

Tamatani I was really impressed by the lectures on categorizing work in a priority-order matrix. It was such a valuable experience to be able to systematically study subjects that are difficult to learn on your own.

Hamasaki When I was studying the organization-related subjects at the Women’s College and I thought I couldn’t handle it on my own, it was my junior colleagues who really came to my rescue. They offered all kinds of opinions on how to complete the subjects, and this also helped me to naturally assign roles. I feel like this experience has strengthened the teamwork among my colleagues and revitalized the entire workplace.

Yamaguchi In the practical learning subjects, it took me time to analyze causes and identify issues, and so my studies didn’t progress as smoothly as I thought they would. However, I was encouraged to keep going when I realized I was making progress, even with small achievements.

Murata It was quite tough because there were a lot of tasks, but thankfully I was able to handle it while sharing information with my classmates at the Women’s College. Being able to meet the other students at training, in online meetings, and in other ways was a huge motivation for me.

Orihara It was also great to be able to share things like my thoughts about and approach to daily work with my classmates at the Women’s College. There were also things that I couldn’t really say to the colleagues and peers at my workplace, but I could frankly tell my classmates precisely because they weren’t involved in my usual work. They showed empathy and offered their opinions, and I found that to be so reassuring.

Interacting with Classmates from Various Work Positions
Friendly Rivalry is the Seed of Growth

Iwasa It was also really great to study and interact with classmates from various work positions. When I was studying subjects in the second year of training, it was so helpful to hear various views from different perspectives. Even if you have every intention of taking a broader perspective, your own bias and tendencies creep into the way you think about and approach things.

Adachi Talking with my classmates about many topics truly taught me a lot about things like approaches to work, sentiments towards customers, and ideas for training junior staff. They may not have realized this themselves, but everyone was very forward-thinking and positive. I was always so impressed and inspired by how enthusiastic everyone was about their work.

Isaka Even though we came from different work positions and departments, being able to share our individual concerns and issues with each other as classmates probably helped us to think deeper about those things.

Murata I was able to hear first hand about different types of work and what other business offices were working on. There were so many examples I could refer to and learn from.

Yamaguchi These discussions also gave me many useful tips and hints for the work I do now. I feel it was the inspiration I got from observing everyone else that helped me to also reflect on where I can do better and become motivated to tackle tough tasks at work.

Miyatake The connections we formed as fellow females doing this together will no doubt support us in many different areas going forward. I was also so grateful for the opportunities to talk frankly with and receive guidance and advice from directors, senior managers, and other people in managerial positions.

Study for Self Growth and That Also Benefits the Workplace

Hattori Studying at the Women’s College has helped me to understand my own role and position in the organization. I used to think that finishing a building project according to the blueprints was an important task as an on-site supervisor, but I realized there’s much more to the job than that. Since studying at the Women’s College, a major change in my approach to work is that I now consider each and every aspect while referring to company policy and other key areas.

Murata Before I started studying, I was flat out just trying to complete my daily work; thinking about and referring to the broader business and management was just not something I could even consider. But since studying at the Women’s College and learning various ways to think about and approach problem solving, I feel like my view has broadened and I’m able to see things from a higher perspective.

Yamaguchi Studying at the Women’s College has reminded of how important information and communication are. I’m now able to think about things I never really thought much about before like social trends and environmental changes, and consider how they relate to my work. I’m also able to interact more proactively with many people. I’ve been applying these new skills to improve my work and make new proposals.

Adachi I’m now more aware of tackling immediate issues right away, rather than putting them off for later. Sometimes I would think it’s easier to deal with an issue later, but I felt uneasy if I did that—like something wasn’t quite right. I’m so grateful that I met my classmates, who gave me the courage to approach head on the issues I needed to tackle.

Orihara I’ve developed the courage to reach out more to the people around me. I used to try to do everything on my own at work, but I’ve realized there are some things that I can’t do by myself. The greatest growth for me was understanding that hesitation has no place at work; reaching out to others when needed is for the benefit of everyone, not just myself.

Miyatake That’s so true. I’m now able to take an all-branch approach to my work and expand my involvement beyond design to include sales administration, general affairs, and other areas as well. This approach will also lead to a more dynamic branch.

Tamatani I was also reminded once again that there are limits to what I can do on my own. And I have a much better understanding of how an entire organization can change by helping all employees to develop management skills, not just senior staff.

Hamasaki I feel like my entire workplace has changed, not just myself. Now we are constantly sharing topics and issues to address, and then solving them as a team. Also, we are reviewing what we used to think were routine aspects of our daily work, and seeking ways to work more efficiently. My junior colleagues are increasingly voicing their opinions more, which is great.

Two Years of Study That Changed the Way I Think About My Life and Managerial Positions

Miyatake I was truly so inspired during my two years of study at the Women’s College. Personally, I feel up to the challenge of becoming a certified Chief Architect and implementing new activities for the entire branch. I’m seeing and experiencing this every day, when someone creates a cue for others to add their various views and ideas, and then it gains momentum.

Iwasa When it comes to careers, especially for those in middle management, some people may have a negative outlook such as “I know that already” and “What is there to learn beyond this?” However, the Women’s College is somewhere you can actually take what you know and think to the next level. I hope people can have fun and make the most of the friendly rivalry you experience at the Women’s College.

Isaka “Is it really necessary to have an education and training program for managerial positions just for women?” To be honest, that’s what I used to think. However, there are probably many people who don’t have any role models around them or much opportunity to meet peers who they can talk openly to about what they really think and feel. At the Women’s College, you can meet classmates who share a common goal of “accomplishing this subject” as well as individuals both inspiring and inspired to aim higher and do better. I feel you will gain so much from studying there.

Orihara Even if they are physically far away, I will always feel connected to my valuable classmates at the Women’s College. This kind of camaraderie isn’t something you can get on your own, even if you try. I think this is truly a wonderful initiative that Sekisui House is genuinely committed to—I feel like the company has our back.

Tamatani I get a lot of people asking for my advice about studying at the Women’s College. Can I balance work and study? Will I gain any benefits from it? What should I do if I get transferred midway through the study period? Those are the kinds of questions I get. Certainly, anyone would feel concerned about taking on such a tough challenge. However, you’ll be supported by the lecturers, secretariat, and other staff at the Women’s College, also by your classmates, superiors, and other colleagues. Even though you may find it tough at times, the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment you’ll get are something I definitely would like everyone to experience.

Hattori Studying at the Women’s College was a very beneficial experience not only for my work, but in my life as well. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to meet so many people, for the branch manager and deputy manager who let me take on various challenges, and for everyone who agreed to me studying the organization-related subjects.

Iwasa I no longer have a negative view of being appointed to a managerial position. As a manager, you have the chance to think and act in various ways so as to make your subordinates feel happy. Now that I’m able to think like that, I’ve become more proactive in how I approach my work.

Hamasaki I’ve surprised myself by just how much I’ve changed and grown in these past two years. Thanks to this valuable experience, I’m now working on solving various issues, and I feel a renewed sense of purpose both individually and as a manager to meet the needs and requests of customers.

1)Chief Constructor

This is an internal certification system created to upskill on-site supervisors. A certified Chief Constructor is an on-site supervisor with advanced work implementation skills such as general construction management and supervision, and who has earned a high level of satisfaction and trust from customers.

2)Career Challenge System

Based on job type, job content, and (expected) duties to be assumed in the future, our employees are categorized into four groups: “Sales engineering job group (main career track),” “Production skills job group,” “General clerical job group,” and lastly as “Employees working in specified areas (regional employees).” Our personnel systems are operated according to the characteristics of each job group in terms of training and basic treatment.

We introduced the Career Challenge System in fiscal 2006 to provide opportunities for employees with a challenging spirit to make further progress. The program supports the conversion of employees in production and general clerical work as well as regional employees into sales engineering positions.

3)Chief Architect

This is an internal certification system created to train designers who assist in building high-quality housing. A certified Chief Architect is a designer of custom detached houses and apartments, with advanced design and negotiation skills and who has earned a high level of satisfaction and trust from customers.