Promoting Diverse Workstyles

Becoming the World’s Happiest Company Where Everyone Can Feel a Sense of Satisfaction and Happiness through Doing Rewarding Work

Allowing each employee to maximize their individuality, skills and potential, while working flexibly and autonomously, irrespective of the place or hours of work, is important for achieving a work-life balance. At Sekisui House, we want our employees to be able to take leave for childcare, nursing care or medical treatment with the peace of mind that it won’t impact their career progress. Toward that end, we are proactively implementing highly flexible systems and programs for working, which allow a variety of choices and combinations. We are working to create and implement support mechanisms in all workplaces that will help superiors, colleagues and other staff develop a deeper understanding of each person’s situation. We are also promoting initiatives to pursue happiness for all employees, and striving to realize our aim of smart work through the establishment of an ICT environment, office environment reforms, optimization of systems and regulations, and so on.

Creation of the “SHIP” System of Awarding Innovation and Performance

The SHIP (Sekisui House Innovation & Performance Awards) logo

SHIP is a new award system that combines a future-oriented innovation category and a results-oriented performance category. It was established with the Sekisui House 60th Anniversary Innovation Competition in 2020. SHIP’s goal is to induce innovation awareness on a Group-wide scale and to create self-reliant people and organizations that continue to create innovation. All employees take part, freely putting out ideas, and the “results” of that “practice,” so to speak, are exhibited at a large get-together when employees can take pride in the fruits of their labors. Awards are presented throughout the Group, and by sharing information on a global level, our hope is to foster a culture of “Innovation & Communication” throughout the whole Group and to improve overall corporate value.

We’ve realized a system in which male employees can fully use more than a month of paternity leave. We are pursuing a range of initiatives to create opportunities to build a better society.

Utilizing our pandemic experience, we have been accelerating the flexible workstyle known as “smart work,” which uses ICT to allow people to work without being tied to a particular time or place.

Toward the goal of supporting employees in their balancing of work with childcare, nursing care, and medical treatment, we are introducing and implementing a variety of systems and programs while listening to the opinions of our employees.

We have been improving our contactless services, such as At-home Housebuilding, At-home Remodeling, and webinars.

We are visualizing the happiness levels of our employees and workplaces, leading to concrete measures to pursue happiness for each and every employee.

We’ve seen more and more cases of husbands and wives cooperating in order to work proactively on not only their jobs but also housework and childrearing. Families are each pursuing happiness in their own ways.