[ Japanese ]

Respect for human rights

1.Sekisui House Group Human Rights Policy

In April 2020, we formulated and announced the Sekisui House Group Human Rights Policy. It was formulated with
the advice of outside experts and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.
This policy respects international norms, such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour
Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights, and supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
In order to fulfill its social responsibilities, Sekisui House has stated that it will respect the human rights of all
stakeholders who may be affected by its business activities, including those in the supply chain.
All Sekisui House Group officers and employees (including temporary, part-time and fixed-term employees)
must comply with this policy, and we promote awareness of the policy through training and other measures. We also
publish the policy on our website, and we expect all stakeholders inside and outside the Group to understand
and support the Group’s policies and initiatives for respecting human rights.

2.Sekisui House Group Human Rights Report

Based on our Human Rights Policy, we have incorporated human rights due diligence processes into our business activities and are promoting initiatives for top management, all Group employees, customers, supply chains and people working at partner building constructors.
In this report, we seek to clarify the overall picture, progress and issues regarding our human rights initiatives and fulfill our responsibility of “Disclosure” as stipulated in our Human Rights Policy.